Office Reopening COVID-19 Safe Practice Policy
Office Reopening COVID-19 Safe Practice Policy
UPDATE: November 16, 2020
With a second wave of infection currently spreading across the country, we would like to reinforce and will be maintaining our original guidelines, policies and procedures and assure you all we have not wavered from this standard.
We hope this letter finds you and your family in good health. Our communities have been through a lot over the last few months and all of us are looking forward to resuming our lives as close to normal as possible.
While many things have changed, one thing has remained the same, my office’s commitment to your health and safety.
By its very nature, soft tissue manipulation and bodywork requires skin-to-skin contact and as such, infection control has always been a top priority of my practice. As we navigate life with the COVID-19 Pandemic, it has required necessary modifications to the manner in which we would typically operate.
This practice follows recommendations and guidelines recommended by:
- Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards (FSMTB)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
- National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB)
- American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)
Given the circumstances of COVID-19, it is necessary to implement additional safety precautions and modified some others to help protect us all. The new guidelines, policies and procedures are as follows:
COVID-19 Pre-Appointment Questionnaire/ Consent Form
Upon scheduling an appointment, a COVID-19 Questionnaire/Consent Form must be completed and returned before you arrive at the office for every appointment until further notice. This form can be completed directly from my web site: www.athletesperformancecare.com. Simply fill it in, print it out, sign and email to tstein@athletesperformancecare.com.
Patients Age 65 and Older
If you are age 65 or older and have a preexisting health condition (as described by the CDC) such as diabetes, chronic lung disease or asthma, serious heart conditions, are immunocompromised, or chronic kidney or liver disease, we recommend you do not visit the office at this time. If you fall into this category but need to accompany a child or family member for a visit, please call our office as we will handle this request on a case-by-case basis.
Treatment Room- Safe Practice Procedure
- Treatment tables are thoroughly disinfected after each patient use with appropriate disinfectant wipes or spray. As always, face cradles are also wiped down and face paper is changed after each and every patient.
- Commonly used door handles and facilities are wiped down periodically as needed with disinfectant wipes.
- Practitioners wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including mask, gloves and face shield during treatment. After each patient treatment, hands and forearms are thoroughly sanitized by either washing appropriately or using alcohol based hand sanitizer.
- Cell phone, computer and iPad are wiped down with disinfectant wipes after each and every appointment.
New Patients
New patient appointments will now be conducted in two sessions:
Upon scheduling your Telehealth Intake you will be asked to complete the following forms:
- HIPPA Compliance Patient Consent Form
- Appointment Confirmation/Cancellation Policy
- COVID-19 Pre-Appointment Questionnaire/Consent Form
These forms can be completed directly from my website, printed out, then signed and returned by email.
- The first session will be conducted through a 20 minute Telehealth Intake using Zoom via mobile phone.The first session will be conducted through a 20 minute Telehealth Intake using Skype. This will simply involve gathering personal information, a brief medical history, a history of the condition you are dealing with, and a brief explanation of the technique used and how treatment session are conducted. We will leave time for Q and A and conclude with scheduling the office appointment.
- The second session will be the 15-20 minute office visit. Here we will perform an evaluation and assessment of your symptoms, develop a treatment plan and treat the condition.
All Patients
- Upon scheduling an appointment, kindly complete the COVID-19 Pre-Appointment Questionnaire/Consent Form directly on my website, print it out, sign and return by email.
- In order to comply with Social Distancing, until further notice we are eliminating use of waiting areas in the building.
- Kindly text/call 631-235-1020 to let us know you have arrived. We will reply and then text/call back when it’s clear for you to enter the office.
- Upon entering the office a contactless temporal temperature will be taken. Any reading of 100.4⁰ F or above will require rescheduling the appointment.
- Patients are required to wash their hands thoroughly after entering the building and wear a face mask at all times.
- We ask that only you enter the building unless it’s necessary that someone must accompany you. If a guardian is necessary we ask that this be limited to a single family member.
I value your trust and loyalty and look forward to welcoming back my patients, neighbors, and friends. Looking forward to seeing you all soon.
Stay safe, stay calm, be well and carry on,
Terry Stein LMT, ART