ART® is a very specific and comprehensive technique that treats a wide variety of soft tissue conditions. ART® is best described as a patented, advanced, movement-based, medical massage technique. Regardless of how the injuries or conditions occurred—sports, exercise, occupation, household chores, falls or simply aches and pains of daily living—ART® is proven to be a quick and effective remedy at restoring normal soft tissue function.
Medical Massage Therapy & Sports Massage With ART®
ART® is considered one of the world’s foremost in medical massage therapy and sports massage treatments. If you have Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Shoulder Pain, Plantar Fasciitis, Muscle Strain, Knee Pain, Golfer’s Elbow, ITB Syndrome, Rotator Cuff Injury, Hip Pain, Elbow Pain, Sciatica, and/or Piriformis Syndrome, getting treatment with ART® / sports massage therapy can resolve many elements with a medical massage to treat your soft tissue injury within 3-5 treatments on average, proving to be highly effective when compared to physical therapy and soft tissue-like modalities.
Terry Stein Terry is a Licensed Massage Therapist and has been practicing Active Release Techniques® (ART®) since 2003. Additionally, he is a member of the ART® Elite Provider Network (EPN). Members of the EPN are recruited from the most highly qualified doctors and therapists who have demonstrated a commitment to resolving soft tissue conditions as quickly as possible and by making ART® a primary focus of their practice. Terry is located in Sayville and Huntington NY, offering sports massage near NYC and LI, with medical massage Long Island offices.

Terry Stein Terry is a Licensed Massage Therapist and has been practicing Active Release Techniques® (ART®) since 2003. Additionally, he is a member of the ART® Elite Provider Network (EPN). Members of the EPN are recruited from the most highly qualified doctors and therapists who have demonstrated a commitment to resolving soft tissue conditions as quickly as possible and by making ART® a primary focus of their practice.